What should I look for in a Real Estate Agent?

The key to finding the right home for you is a qualified agent you trust. We’re talking trust on many levels: trust in their skills, knowledge, integrity, intelligence, work ethic, tenacity, and genuine caring. A good Real Estate agent should be experienced, know the area well, listen carefully to what you need and want in a home and location, and move heaven and earth to help you find it.

Patience is another key virtue in a Realtor, especially for first-time buyers. Your agent should patiently show you as many homes as necessary to find the right one ... quickly alert you to every new listing that meets your criteria ... patiently answer all of your questions ... guide you through all of the stages of the home buying process, and NEVER dismiss your concerns or desires in order to rush the sale.

You also want an agent who is responsive and pro-active, and who communicates with you in the way you want - whether that’s text, email, or phone. Home buying is a process with many deadlines and moving parts. The last thing you need when time is tight is an agent you can’t reach.

The right agent will only show you homes that meet your criteria. They will help you see the potential – and potential problems – in each home, then provide all of the information you need to make a well-informed decision, from utility costs, taxes and schools to likely renovation and maintenance costs. They will craft an offer designed to appeal to the seller while getting you the best possible terms and price; guide you through a home inspection and the negotiations that often follow; and oversee all of the paperwork, deadlines and details to ensure a trouble-free closing.

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527 Lancaster Ave.
Wayne, PA 19087
Linda Walters
Associate Broker
PA license # AB069266